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Ratgeber - Internationales Recht
Aktuelle Ratgeber
Internationales Recht
Bosnien AnwaltRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Bosnien Anwalt Bosnien-Herzegowina ist eine aus zwei Entitäten - der Föderation Bosnien-Herzegowina, die in Kantone unterteilt ist, und der Republika Srpska - sowie dem Distrikt Brčko bestehende asymmetrische Föderation. Nach der Verfassung der Republik Bosnien-Herzegowina sind die Entitäten mit starken Kompetenzen ausgestattet. Die Gesetzgebung erfolgt vordergründig in den Parlamenten der Entitäten. Der Schwerpunkt der exekutiven Gewalt liegt ebenfalls auf dem Niveau der Entitätenregierungen. Auch die Judikative ist entsprechend der Staatsbildung organisiert. Es ist sowohl in den beiden Entitäten, im Distrikt, als auch auf der Ebene des Gesamtstaates eine Gerichtsstruktur vorhanden. Die ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Bankrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht in Bosnien HerzegowinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Bankrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht in Bosnien Herzegowina Ein Rechtsanwalt für Bankrecht & Kapitalmarktrecht in Bosnien-Herzegowina berät und vertritt Sie gern in allen bankrechtlichen Angelegenheiten. Zum Bankrecht gehört die Beratung und Prozessvertretung zu allen Fragen rund um Darlehen und Kredit, Sicherheiten (wie zum Beispiel Grundschuld oder Hypothek), online- Banking, Sparverkehr, Zahlungsverkehr (Überweisung, Lastschrift, Scheck, Dauerauftrag et cetera) oder Zwangsvollstreckungsmaßnahmen (Pfändung, Zwangsversteigerung, Verwertung von Sicherheiten). Darüber hinaus beantwortet der Rechtsanwalt für Bankrecht & Kapitalmarktrecht in Bosnien und Herzegowina Ihre Fragen zum ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Familienrecht in Bosnien-Herzegowina Rechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Familienrecht in Bosnien-Herzegowina Das Familienrecht umfasst viele Bereiche neben der klassischen Scheidung. So sind alleine schon im Zusammenhang mit der Scheidung oft auch die Bereiche Unterhalt (Kindesunterhalt, Trennungsunterhalt, nachehelicher Unterhalt), Sorgerecht und Umgang, Zugewinn, Versorgungsausgleich und Haushalt zu regeln. Sollte es einmal zum unwiderruflichen Bruch zwischen Ehepartnern kommen, so ist man nach dem Entschluss, die Ehe scheiden zu lassen häufig durch die auf einen zurollende Fülle an Problemen schlichtweg überfordert. Aber auch im Vorfeld einer Ehe gibt oft Beratungsbedarf. Ein Anwalt für Familienrecht in Bosnian und Herzegowina berät Sie gerne, welche Bedeutung und ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Privatrecht in Bosnia und HerzegowinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Privatrecht in Bosnia und Herzegowina Das Privatrecht umfasst alle Rechtssätze, die den Kauf betreffen. Unter einem Kauf im Sinne des Privatrechts versteht ein Rechtsanwalt einen gegenseitigen Vertrag, bei dem der Verkäufer einen Gegenstand endgültig überträgt und der Käufer sich verpflichtet, den vereinbarten Kaufpreis zu zahlen. Dass das alltägliche Tun nahezu ständig irgendwelche rechtlichen Regelungen berührt, wird am besten an der Tatsache deutlich, dass bereits der tägliche Einkauf beim Bäcker oder im Supermarkt ein Rechtsgeschäft darstellt. Betroffen ist hier das Privatrecht, das bei Einkäufen jeder Art die rechtliche Grundlage bietet. Das Privatrecht ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Kaufrecht in Bosnia und HerzegowinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Kaufrecht in Bosnia und Herzegowina D a fast jeder täglich etwas kauft, ist das Kaufrecht prinzipiell für jeden Bürger von Bedeutung. Wird irgendwo irgendetwas gekauft oder verkauft, dann kommen jeweils eine ganze Reihe von Regelungen des Kaufrechts zum Tragen. Ein Rechtsanwalt für Kaufrecht in Bosnia und Herzegowina definiert einen Kauf als Vertrag, durch den sich der Verkäufer im Rahmen des Kaufrecht verpflichtet, einen Gegenstand endgültig an einen Käufer zu übertragen. Dieser muss den vereinbarten Kaufpreis zahlen. Ganz im Sinne der alltäglichen Anwendung erlaubt das Kaufrecht einen Kauf formlos abzuwickeln. Gekauft werden kann nach deutschem Kaufrecht ein Recht oder eine ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Zivilrecht in Bosnien und HerzegowinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Zivilrecht in Bosnien und Herzegowina Zivilrecht in Bosnien und Herzegowina Das Zivilrecht umfasst zahlreiche Regelungen, die sich an unterschiedlichsten Stellen im Gesetz befinden, sodass ein Rechtsanwalt in Bosnien und Herzegowina, der auf Zivilrecht spezialisiert ist, bei zivilrechtlichen Fragen sehr hilfreich sein kann. Wer einen entsprechend ausgebildeten Anwalt für Zivilrecht in Bosnien und Herzegowina zu Rate zieht, kann sich darauf verlassen, dass sein Fall rechtzeitig und kompetent bearbeitet wird. Rechtsanwälte für Zivilrecht zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie ihren Mandanten professionelle Beratung und effektive Lösungswege bieten. Was ist Zivilrecht in Bosnien und Herzegowina? ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Divorce by Mutual Agreement in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Divorce by Mutual Agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina As one of the ways of termination of marriage provided for by the law is the termination of marriage by agreement of spouses. Divorce by mutual agreement is possible for those spouses who have held a good communication and are willing to resolve all issues relevant for divorce by mutual agreement. The issue of divorce by mutual agreement is regulated by Article 55 of the Family Law that reads: „Article 55 (1) The court shall divorce the marriage on the basis of the agreement of spouses if they do not have common minor or adopted children or children with extended parental right. (2) If before the first-instance judgment on divorce one of the ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Law Office SarajevoRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Law Office Sarajevo Regional Bar Association Sarajevo is being formed for the region of Sarajevo Canton and Bosansko-Podrinjski Canton, the seat of the Regional Bar Association Sarajevo is in Sarajevo. Regional Bar Association Sarajevo represents all lawyers, associate lawyers and law interns from the region of Sarajevo Canton and Bosansko-Podrinjski Canton before canton and municipal bodies and institutions. Regional Bar Association, through its bodies, performs all competencies as foreseen by law, general acts of the Federal Bar Association and this Statute, particularly pertaining to: • Providing professional independence of lawyers • Obtaining the right to perform lawyers’ profession, ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
The Bar Association of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
The Bar Association of the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina By Law Office of Prnjavorac Lawyer’s profession in the Republic of Srpska is an independent professional activity, which is organized and functions in accordance with the Law on Lawyer’s Profession of the Republic of Srpska ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska" no. 30/07 and 59/08).osnia and Herzegovina The Bar Association of the Republic of Srpska is an independent, self-governing organization with mandatory membership of lawyers who have their headquarters offices of all forms of organization of lawyer’s activities (lawyer, joint law firm and law association) in the Republic of Srpska. The bodies of ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Law Office TuzlaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Law Office Tuzla Regional Bar Association Tuzla has the capacity of a legal entity with the seat in Tuzla. Based on Article 15 of the Law on Lawyer's Profession F BiH, Regional Bar Association Tuzla, at its founding meeting dated July 20, 2002 adopted its Statute which determines organization and way of operating of this Bar. The lawyer's role as a representative and protector of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens and legal entities in a democratic society based on the rule of law is very important but challenging. Such role puts him/her in front of a range of moral and legal obligations, equally towards the client as towards courts, legal profession, the public, and the similar, and it requires ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
The Bar Association of Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
The Bar Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina By Law Office of Prnjavorac At the state level there are no institutions of lawyer’s profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bar Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina are organized at the entity level. According to the Law on Lawyer’s Profession of the Federation of BiH, lawyer’s profession is an independent professional activity, which is organized and operates in accordance with the laws and regulations adopted pursuant to law. The bodies of the Federal Bar Association are: General Assembly, Board, President and Vice President, the supervisory board, the disciplinary court and disciplinary prosecutor, commission for bar exams and other bodies ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Law Office BihacRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Law Office Bihac Regional Bar Association Bihać has the capacity of a legal entity with the seat in Bihać at Nurije Pozderca St. 2/II, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regional Bar Association Bihać, based on Article 15 of the Law on Lawyer's Profession F BiH at its founding meeting dated July 12, 2002 adopted its Statute which determines organization and way of operating of this Bar. Bodies of the Regional Bar Association Bihać are: Assembly, Steering Board, President and Vice-President, Disciplinary Court and disciplinary prosecutor and Supervisory Board. Lawyer’s profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina includes: provision of legal advice, drafting various submissions (claims, complaints, requests, petitions, ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Lawyer Tariff in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Lawyer Tariff in Bosnia and Herzegovina In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are two lawyer tariffs in effect, for the territory of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina applies the Lawyer Tariff of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No.: 22/04 dated April 24, 2004 and 24/04 dated May 8, 2004, and for the territory of the Republic of Srpska, Tariff for Remuneration and Compensation of Costs for Services of Lawyers of the Republic of Srpska. Essential difference between these lawyer tariffs is indiscernible. Due to enormous importance of understanding and due to frequent questions as to how the lawyer remuneration is calculated, in the following ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Divorce in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Divorce in Bosnia and Herzegovina Divorce proceedings are initiated by filing the proposal, request or complaint for divorce. Marriage is divorced before the competent court: where the marriage was concluded or where the spouses had the last joint residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Spouses who do not have common minor children are not required to go through mediation proceedings, but can immediately start divorce proceedings in person or through their lawyer. Before starting the divorce proceedings, spouses who have had or adopted minor children or children with extended parental right, shall go through the process of reconciliation before the Centre for Social Work in the municipality where they reside. ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Probate Proceedings in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Probate Proceedings in Bosnia and Herzegovina In probate proceedings it shall be determined who the testator's heirs are, what constitutes legacy, and which rights belong to heirs, legates and other persons. Jurisdiction for conducting probate proceedings Probate proceedings are carried out in the first instance before a municipal court or before a notary as a court commissioner. Before the municipal court probate proceedings are carried out by a single judge. The court on whose territory the testator had his residence at the time of death shall have territorial jurisdiction for probate proceedings. If the testator at the time of death had no residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the court on ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Types of Companies in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Types of Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Company Law of the Federation of B&H ( Official Gazette of FBiH No. 23/99, 45/00, 2/02, 29/03, 68/05, 91/07, 84/08, 7/09, 63/10 and 75/13) and the Company Law of Republic of Srpska (Official Gazette of RS No. 127/08, 58/09,100/11 and 67/13) regulate the establishment, operation and termination of businesses in BiH. Type of company Federation of B&H: Unlimited Joint Liability Company (d.n.o. / o.d): Founded by the establishment contract of two or more partners, domestic or foreign, natural persons only. Founders are liable to use all their assets, including personal property. There are no requirements for minimum or maximum contributions; Limited ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Arbitration in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina In the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as an institution whose main role is to represent and protect the interests of companies, there is the Arbitration Court which has jurisdiction for arbitration to settle disputes in commercial and other property and legal matters. Compared to regular court proceedings, proceedings before the Arbitration Court is cheaper, faster, more direct, less formal, and as such recommended. Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Arbitration Court is an independent body, independent in its work and decisions. Arbitration is used for settlement of disputes that meet the following requirements: 1. that it is a commercial ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Recognition of Foreign Court Decisions in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Recognition of Foreign Court Decisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina In terms of procedural international private law the lawyer's office does the following: Recognition of a foreign court judgment/recognition of a court decision on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and procedures to enforce a foreign court judgment / a foreign court decision, before all courts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The lawyer's office also works on recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in BiH. Recognition of a foreign court decision in Bosnia and Herzegovina Initiation of a procedure for recognition of a foreign court decision / foreign arbitral awards in civil matters in Bosnia and Herzegovina: ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Law Office ZenicaRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Law office Zenica Regional Bar Association Zenica has the capacity of a legal entity with the seat in Zenica at Kočeva i Kočevska čikma St., Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regional Bar Association Zenica, based on Article 15 of the Law on Lawyer's Profession F BiH at its founding meeting dated July 20, 2002 adopted its Statute which determines organization and way of operating of this Bar. Regional Bar Association represents all lawyers from its territory before canton and municipal bodies and institutions. Bodies of the Regional Bar Association Zenica are: Assembly, Steering Board, President and Vice-President, Disciplinary Court and disciplinary prosecutor and Supervisory Board. Lawyer's profession is ... weiter lesen
Internationales Recht
Law Office MostarRechtsanwältin Alma Prnjavorac
Law Office Mostar Regional Bar Association Mostar has the capacity of a legal entity with the seat in Mostar at Kralja Zvonimira St. 17/I, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regional Bar Association Mostar, based on Article 15 of the Law on Lawyer's Profession Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina at its founding meeting dated July 11, 2002 adopted its Statute which determines organization and way of operating of this Bar. Bodies of the Regional Bar Association Mostar are: Assembly, Steering Board, President and Vice-President, Disciplinary Court and disciplinary prosecutor and Supervisory Board. Basic duties of a lawyer toward a client that he/she represents are faithfulness, loyalty, conscientious and diligent exercising ... weiter lesen